
Current Trends of Occupational Therapy Assessment Tool by Korean Occupational Therapist

유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박소연(So-Yon Park), 최은희(Eun-Hee Choi)
page. 27~37 / No 3



Objective : The objective of this survey was to describe assessment tools commonly used by Korean occupational therapist.Methods : Data was obtained from 2006 Congress of Korean Occupational Therapy by means of a survey questionnaire about commonly used assessment tools. The participants were 158 occupational therapists (general hospitals, university-related hospitals, rehabilitation center, etc.).Results : The length of time for initial evaluation was 20-40 minutes (66.5%) per one patient and reevaluation periods were every 3 months or as functional changes were detected. Among the assessment tools, the most frequently used tools were: Mnaual Function Test (62.4%) for assessing motor area, Mini-Mental Status Examination (80.3%) and Motor-free Visual Perception Test (65.8%) for cognitive perceptual assessments, Functional Independence Measure (79.5%) for daily activity assessment, Denver Developmental Screening Test (97%) and Brunininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (35.8%) for development assessment, Sensory Profile (61.2%) for sensory integration assessment, and Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (16.7%) for occupational performance assessment.Conclusion : Based on the results, provisions of more extended education opportunities would promote the use of a greater variety of standardized assessment tools by korean occupational therapists.