
A Biographical Study on the Adaptation to Everyday Life of a Person with a 5th Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 김슬기(Seul-Gi Kim)
page. 105~116 / No 3



Objective: The purpose of this biographical research is to understand and explain the adaptation process to everyday life of a subject, through an insider's view of the person, with a 5th spinal cord injury. And the research question is “What are the everyday life experiences of a person with a 5th cervical spinal cord in-jury?” Methods: The methodology of this study is based on biographical research, a qualitative method, in order to reveal the social construction of the subject by a process of formation. The participant was recruited through Maximum variation sampling. Detailed interviews were performed three times for 2 hours each. The data were identified into two phases; while confined to a bed, and after participating actively in the community. The core experiences were described in each phase. Results: Before receiving the disability, the subject had an active lifestyle with the support from his parents. But the disability had driven him to despair, and he had attempted suicide when he became confined to his bed for about 10 years. After wandering for several years, he met a new life. With his wheelchair and as-sisting devices for daily living, he has recovered his self-confidence gradually and has been actively manag-ing his life. Conclusion: This study suggests that the rehabilitation of person with a 5th cervical cord injury should re-quire not only a medical approach of the hospital but also professional interventions for a social participation in the community. In particular, aggressive measures should be taken to connect a person with a disability to community resources after being discharged from the hospital.