
The Relevant Factors and Effect of Swallowing Function on OropharyngealStimulation Program in Stroke Patients With Swallowing Disorder

우지희(Ji-Hee Woo), 정원미(Won-Mee Jeong), 김용규(Yong-Gyu Kim), 구정완(Jung-Wan Koo)
page. 1~12 / No 4



Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the related factors and effects of an oropharyngealstimulation program on the swallowing function of dysphagia patients after suffering a stroke.Methods : We applied an oropharyngeal stimulation program for 3 weeks to 40 patients (20 were under 6months since suffering a stroke, and the other 20 were over 6 months, as of November 2008). Weinvestigated the general features of dysphagia patients, cognitive function, duration after onset, and functionaldyspahgia scale scores according to PO/NPO feeding type.Results : The results are as follows:1. According to the onset duration, cognitive function, and PO/NPO feeding type, the functional dyspahgiascale showed a difference between before and after the program. In particular, the normal cognitive groupunder 6 months since suffering a stroke showed a statistically significant difference (p<.05).2. The subjects were stratified according to the duration after onset (under or over 6 months), cognitivefunction, and feed type and applied oropharyngeal stimulation program. We found that the subjects under 6months since their onset, with normal cognitive function and PO feeding type, showed a significantdifference with functional dysphagia scale (p<.05). 3. The results of multiple regression analyses before and after the oropharyngeal stimulation program provesthat the duration after onset, cognitive function, and PO/NPO feeding type have an influence on thefunctional dysphagia scale.Conclusion : Our findings suggest that an oropharyngeal stimulation program is beneficial to dysphagiapatients under 6 months since suffering a stroke, with normal cognitive function and PO feeding type. It isnecessary that more comparative studies on the related factors of an oropharyngeal stimulation program withfunctional electric stimulation be conducted.