
A Study on the Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in NormalChildren and Their Self-efficacy and Self-control

김진영(Jin-Young Kim), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim), 이택영(Taek-Young Lee)
page. 81~87 / No 4



Objective : This study aims to determine the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) inchildren in the general population; in addition, it aims to evaluate the self-efficacy and self-control in thesechildren on the basis of the ACRS.Methods : From December 2007 to May 2008, we used the ACRS to survey the self-efficacy and self-control in normal children aged 7-13. Attending their kindergartens and schools, we distributedquestionnaires to the parents of 420 such children. The questionnaire was only administered to participantswho provided their informed consent when the purpose of the study was explained to them. Of the 420questionnaires that were distributed, 229 completed copies were returned (a collection rate of 54.5%). Inorder to determine the prevalence of ADHD in children in the general population, frequency was utilized usingan independent t test, and we evaluated the self-control and self-efficacy in normal children and those withADHD.Results : Using the results of the ACRS in normal children, we observed that 33 (15.7%) of the 210 subjectsshowed characteristics of ADHD. In addition, children with ADHD exhibited lower self-efficacy and self-control (p< 0.05).Conclusion : Through this study, we revealed that a considerable number of children exhibit ADHDcharacteristics; in addition, it was found that these children exhibit lower self-efficacy and self-control thannormal children. The methods for the systematic treatment and follow-up of such children should be studiedin order to solve this problem, and it is essential to have professionally trained personnel who can quicklygrasp the problems faced by children with ADHD and treat them at school.