
A Study on the Readability and Content Validity of Korean-translated Version of the Sensory Profile

박경영(Kyoung-Young Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)
page. 89~98 / No 4



Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate readability and to establish the content validity of theSensory Profile (Korean version).Methods : For review of a Sensory Profile, the committee was comprised of one professor of Dept.occupational therapy and two occupational therapist with over 5 years’clinical experience in using theSensory Profile. The committee compared Korean version of the Sensory Profile with original version andreviewed grammar, sentence structure and meaning of items. For readability, 33 parents with children and 42occupational therapists with over 1 years clinical experience rated their degree of understanding of theKorean-translated items using 5 point Likert scale. We selected and corrected the others except for itemsattained at least 3-points above 80% of the respondents for readability.Results : The committee selected 37 items with inappropriate word or poor grammar, and the selected itemswere corrected. Then, in the second review the committee recommended correcting 13 items and in the lastreview 3 items. 87.9~100% of the parents responded with 3 point or above for readability of the final versionof Sensory Profile so any items weren't corrected. And above 83.3% of 42 occupational therapists respondedwith 3 point or above for readability of all items except for 75 item and 101 item. Finally, two items werecorrected by review of the committee.Conclusion : We concluded that the Sensory Profile was translated into Korean to be easily read and thecontent validity of the instrument was established through a review by the committee.