
Characteristics of Time Use and Types of Activities of Daily Living in Non-Disabled Urban Elderly

이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 조덕연(Duk-Youn Cho)
page. 85~98 / No 2



Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the types of activities and amount of time invested in such activities of a sample of non-disabled elderly persons. Methods : The sample consisted of 155 participants 60 years and older. The participants completed a Time Use Survey. Each participant reported the activities they engaged in for two consecutive days. Their responses were classified and the amount of time spent was calculated in minutes. Results : The results indicate that the participants spent most time sleeping and doing household chores. In addition, men spent more time on work and learning, but women spent most time on family care, volunteer activities, and social and leisure activities. Elderly participants under the age of 65 spent more time on work, while those 66 years and older invested more time on relationship and leisure activities. Finally, elderly men residing in large cities engaged more in work, while elderly men residing in small cities spent more time on relationship and leisure activities. Conclusion : The results of the present study indicate that occupational therapists should consider activity management according to gender, age, and city size. It is hoped that such considerations will contribute to efficient time management in current aging societies.