
Comparison of Sensory Processing in Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorder Depending on Autistic Tendency and Severity of Autism

김미혜(Mi-Hye Kim), 이근호(Keun-Ho Lee)
page. 127~136 / No 2



Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in sensory processing of children with pervasive developmental disorders depending on their autistic tendency and severity. Methods : The subjects included 139 children with pervasive developmental disorders. The instruments used for this study were the Childhood Autism Rating Scale(CARS) and Short Sensory Profile(SSP). A Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the correlation between the CARS and SSP. A t-test was performed to analyze the differences in the presence of autism and its severity. Results : There were differences in the sensory processing depending on the autistic tendency and its severity. In addition, there were negative correlations between autism score and sensory processing. In conclusion, a high severity of autism showed greater difficulties in sensory processing. Conclusion : This study indicated that an accurate assessment is needed in sensory processing of children with pervasive developmental disorders.