
A Phenomenological Study of the Driving Experience of Elderly Koreans

박명옥(Myoung-Ok Park), 정봉근(Bong-Keun Jung)
page. 123~134 / No 4



Objective : The objective of this study was to explore the meaning and behaviors of elderly Korean drivers andidentify the structure of driving experience through a phenomenological qualitative study. Methods : Four active older drivers were recruited. A phenomenological study design was used to collectinformation regarding the meaning and value of driving experience among the elderly Korean subjects. Thedata collection process was conducted using a structured interview and survey. Results : The driving experiences among the elderly participants can be summarized into three main themes: 1)a change in driving pattern, 2) the meaning of driving, and 3) future driving plans. The elderly driversexperienced a decrease in their driving abilities and recent difficulties in their driving. They indicated thattheir physical condition has worsened from aging and they feel a psychological burden. These changes haveaffected their driving patterns. The participants responded that traveling with their own vehicle positivelyaffects their quality of life and they want to continue driving as long as their physical condition allows it. However, some respondents stated that they will reduce their driving owing to a feeling of fear. Conclusion : A comprehension of the physical and psychological conditions of elderly drivers are necessary toprovide an effective driving rehabilitation service.