
The Relationship Between Sensory Processing Feature and Personality in Early Adolescents

최은숙(Eun-Suk Choi), 김유선(Yu-Seon Kim), 백다래(Da-Rae Baek), 홍기훈(Ki-Hoon Hong), 정혜림(Hye-Rim Jung)
page. 35~45 / No 4



Objective : The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between sensory processing features and personality in early adolescents. Methods : For the present study, Adolescents/Adults Sensory Profile (AASP) and Personality Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ) were used. AASP and PAQ were executed for 150 middle school students between the ages of 13 to 15. Corelation between the AASP and PAQ was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation analysis. Results : The significant correlations between sensory processing feature and personality in early adolescents presented statistically (moderate to fair degree of linear relationship). As the result of corelation between AASP and PAQ scores, sensory sensitivity had moderate relations with emotional instability, and fair degree relations with emotional unresponsiveness (p<.01). Sensation avoiding had fair degree of relationship with emotional instability (p<.01). Low registration had moderate relations with emotional instability, aggression, and fair degree of relationship with low self-esteem and negative self-adequacy (p<.01). Sensory seeking was also moderately strong related to emotional instability, and fairly strong related to aggression (p<.01). Conclusion : The sensory processing features were related to personality in early adolescents were significantly. Emotional instability affecting the sociality and developmental tasks of junior high school students had strong corelation to each sensory processing feature.