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Job Analysis for Mental Health Occupational Therapists

Chihwan Shin, Eun-Young Yoo, Min-Ye Jung, Ji-Yoeun Lee

A Study on Occupational Therapy's Fear, Job Stress, and Self-Effectiveness - In the Situation of COVID-19 -

위민규(Min-Gyu We), 강미영(Mi-Yeong Gang), 홍민경(Min-Kyung Hong), 장기연(Ki-Yeong Chang)

A Study for Perception and Survey on the Status of Occupational Therapists on Parental Counseling and Education in Child Occupational Therapy

성지영(Ji-Young Sung), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 홍덕기(Deok-Gi Hong), 최유임(Yoo-Im Choi)

Effect of Job-Characteristics and Employment Relationship Characteristics on Job-Satisfaction of a Occupational Therapists at a Dementia Care Center

박치수(Chi-Soo Park), 정은비(Eun-Bi Jeong), 김효은(Hyo-Eun Kim), 우현주(Hyeon-Joo Woo), 이소현(So-Hyeon Lee), 이수진(Soo-Jin Lee), 유두한(Doo-Han Yoo)

Study on Self-Assessment of Occupational Therapist’s Clinical Reasoning

박명옥(Myoung-Ok Park), 배원진(Won-Jin Bae)

Development and Validation of Competency Indicators for School-Based Occupational Therapists

홍민경(Min-kyung Hong), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 최강미(Kang-Mi Choi)

Association of Interpersonal Competence and Emotional Labor with Job Stress in Occupational Therapists

남소영(So-Young Nam), 이성아(Seong-A Lee), 김여은(Yeo-Eun Kim), 이강숙(Kang-Sook Lee)

Literature Review on Necessity of Occupational Therapist as Member of Early Screening Team at Center for Dementia Safety

박주원(Ju-Won Park), 김준아(Jun-A Kim), 윤도현(Do-Hyun Yoon), 조연희(Yeon-Hee Jo), 전가영(Ga-Young Jeon), 장용훈(Yong-Hun Chang), 김환희(Hwan-Hee Kim)

Analysis of Factors Restricting Return to Work for Stroke: Based on ICF

남지혜(Ji-Hye Nam), 김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 차태현(Tae-Hyun Cha)

Roles of Occupational Therapist in Community Care System

박영주(Young-Ju Park), 이춘엽(Chun-Yeop Lee), 지석연(Seok-Yeon Ji), 박강현(Kang-Hyun Park), 김희정(Hee-Jung Kim)

A Survey on Awareness and Availability on Items of 2018 Assistive Devices Distribution Program for the Disabled in the Occupational Therapists

김정은(Jeong-Eun Kim), 박제민(Je-Min Park), 배수영(Su-Yeong Bae), 정남해(Nam-hae Jung)

A Survey on the Awareness of Bioethics Among the Occupational Therapists

사공봉(Bong Sagong), 이하영(Ha-Young Lee), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon)

The Recognition of Occupational Therapists Role and the Amended-Act of Long-Term Care Insurance for the Aged

이지영(Ji-Yeong Lee), 김중연(Jung-Yeon Kim), 홍미영(Mi-Young Hong), 김용섭(Yong-Sub Kim), 이성아(Seong-A Lee)

Coping Strategies for Job-Related Stress of Occupational Therapists in Korea

조두나(Doo-Na Cho), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee)

Guidelines on the Main Work and Scope of Practice for Occupational Therapists in Korea

유두한(Doo-Han Yoo), 장종식(Jong-Sik Jang), 최성열(Seong-Youl Choi), 김지현(Ji-Hyun Kim), 김영란(Young-Ran Kim), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee)

Practice Analysis Among Korean School Based Occupational Therapists

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 박상희(Sang-Hee Park), 김유진(You-Jin Kim), 노종수(Chong-Su Noh), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 이경민(Kyoung-Min Lee)

Development of the Korean Occupational Therapist Essential Competency

장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 박수현(Su-Hyun Park), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 심선화(Sun-Hwa Shim)

Competency Level Diagnostic Study for Occupational Therapists in Korea

구인순(In‑Soon Ku), 정민예(Min‑Ye Jung)

Development of Competency Indicators for Korean Occupational Therapists (K-CIOT)

구인순(In‑Soon Ku), 정민예(Min‑Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun‑Young Yoo), 박지혁(Ji‑Hyuk Park), 이재신(Jae‑Shin Lee), 이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee)

A Study on Factors Affecting the Turnover Intention of Occupational Therapists

양노열(No-Yul Yang), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee)

Job Analysis of Occupational Therapists for 2013

이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee), 장기연(Ki‑Yeon Chang), 정민예(Min‑Ye Jung), 구인순(In‑Soon Ku), 우희순(Hee‑Soon Woo)

Experience the Suffering of Front-line Soldiers: Applied to Parse’s Human Becoming Research Methodology

장종식(Jong-Sik Jang), 송병남(Byung-Nam Song), 차태현(Tae-Hyun Cha)

Job Analysis of Occupational Therapists Engaged in the Field of Vocational Rehabilitation

구인순(In-Soon Ku), 홍승표(Seung-Pyo Hong), 김동진(Dong-Jin Kim), 허태라(Tae-Ra Hur), 정성희(Sung-Hee Jung), 김혜화(Hae-Hwa Kim), 윤혜영(Hye-Young Yoon), 이주언(Joo-Eon Lee)

Preliminary Study on the Necessity of the Cognitive Rehabilitation for Vocational Rehabilitation

권재성(Jae-Sung Kwon), 김영근(Young-Geun Kim), 구인순(In-Soon Ku)

Study on Occupational Therapists in Terms of Their Experience in Relationship Conflicts: Applied to Parse’s Human Becoming Research Methodology

송병남(Byoung-Nam Song), 김슬기(Seul-Gi Kim), 박지훈(Ji-Hoon Park), 장종식(Jong-Sik Jang), 전영혜(Young-Hye Jeon), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon)

The Correlation Between the Practical Examination of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy and the Work Capability of Inexperienced Occupational Therapists

이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 백영림(Young-Rim Paik), 함보현(Bo-Hyoun Ham)

A Delphi Study on the Modification of a Practice Subject for the National Board Certification of Occupational Therapists(NBCOT)

이재신(Jea-Shin Lee), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 김수경(Soo-Kyoung Kim), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 함보현(Bo-Hyoun Ham), 백영림(Young-Rim Paik)

Characteristics of Time Use and Types of Activities of Daily Living in Non-Disabled Urban Elderly

이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 조덕연(Duk-Youn Cho)

A Study on the Theoretical Framework for Assistive Technology Service of Occupational Therapists: Centering on Mating Person and Technology(MPT)

이혜경(Hye-Kyung Lee), 권혁철(Hyuk-Cheol Kwon), 공진용(Jin-Yong Kong), 조성재(Song-Jae Jo), 채수영(Soo-Young Chae)

Job Analysis of Korean Occupational Therapists Based on the DACUM Method

용준환(Joon-Hwan Yong), 최혜숙(Hyae-Sook Choi), 정원미(Won-Mee Jeong), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 조범영(Beom-Young Cho), 이미영(Mi-Young Lee), 이지영(Ji-Young Lee), 홍승표(Seung-Pyo Hong)

Survey of Job Characteristics and Practice Analysis Among Korean Occupational Therapists

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 정보인(Bo-In Chung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)

A Study of the Status of Dysphagia Rehabilitation Conducted by Occupational Therapists in Korea

우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 차태현(Tae-Hyun Cha), 오종치(Jong-Chi Oh)

The Study for Reform of the Korean Occupational Therapy National Licensing Examination

정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 유은영(Eun -Young Yoo), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 유인규(In-Gyu Yo)

The Factors of Work-Related Stress in Occupational Therapists Working in Korean Hospitals

한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정보인(Bo-In Chung)

A Study on the Practical Degree of Use Toward Assistive Technology for Occupational Therapists

장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 권혁철(Hyuk-Cheol Kwon), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 안덕현(Duk-Hyun An)

The Factors Related to Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Occupational Therapists

강미정(Mi-Jung Kang), 정원미(Won-Mee Jeong), 구정완(Jung-Wan Koo)

Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of Occupational Therapists

권정아(Jung-Ah Kwon), 노재훈(Jae-Hoon Roh), 장세진(Sei-Jin Chang), 원종욱(Jong-Uk Won), 심상효(Sang-Hyo Sim)

The Study on Education and Perception of Occupational Therapists Toward Assistive Technology

장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 권혁철(Hyuk-Cheol Kwon), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 안덕현(Duk-Hyun An)

Perception of Korean Occupational Therapists on Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy

강대혁(Dae-Hyuk 강대혁), 이주언(Joo-Eon Lee), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)

Current Trends of Occupational Therapy Assessment Tool by Korean Occupational Therapist

유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박소연(So-Yon Park), 최은희(Eun-Hee Choi)

Basic Survey for Revitalize of Employment of Occupational Therapists in Community Health Center

조무신(Moo-Sin Cho), 김영희(Young-He Kim), 양영애(Young-Ae Yang), 오혜원(Hye-Won Oh), 홍재란(Jae-Ran Hong), 노종수(Jong-Su Noh), 정현애(Hyun-Ae Chung), 채경주(Kyung-Ju Chae)

Suggestions for Training of the Future-Oriented Occupational Therapists

이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 박소연(So-Yon Park)

The Perspectives of Occupational Therapists on Introducing anAccreditation System of Occupational Therapy Education Programs

김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)

The Relative Importance of Basic Activities in Daily Living Between Occupational Therapists and Patients With Stroke

이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 박경영(Kyoung-Young Park), 이충휘(Chung-Hwi Yi)

Demand and Supply for Occupational Therapist

정원미(Won-Mee Jeong), 최혜숙(Hyae-Sook Choi), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee)

작업치료사 인력수급

정원이, 이한석, 정낙수