Search Results

A Contributors to Health Management for Persons Experiencing Homelessness: A Systematic Review

Monisola Akiwowo, Sophia Graziosi, Ali Hansford-McKinney, CeCe Madison, Nancy Yanez, Diane M. Collins, Claudia Hilton

Occupational Therapy for Apraxia

Lee Hee-Ryoung, Woo Hee-Soon

Development of Guidelines for Occupational Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury

하성규(Seong-Kyu Ha), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 홍익표(Ickpyo Hong), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)

A Study on Occupational Therapy's Fear, Job Stress, and Self-Effectiveness - In the Situation of COVID-19 -

위민규(Min-Gyu We), 강미영(Mi-Yeong Gang), 홍민경(Min-Kyung Hong), 장기연(Ki-Yeong Chang)

Development of Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Total Knee Replacement Patients

김정헌(Junghun Kim), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 전혜선(Hye-Seon Jeon), 홍익표(Ickpyo Hong), 홍보균(Bo-Kyoon Hong), 하성규(Seong-Kyu Ha), 황나경(Na-Kyoung Hwang), 박강현(Kang-Hyun Park), 강미화(Miwha Kang)

A Systemic Review on the Role Performance Occupational Therapy of the Elderly

최준수(Jun-Su Choi), 엄윤정(Yun-Jeong Uhm), 정유경(Yoo-Kyeong Jung), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung)

Research Trends in Occupational Therapy in Korea: Focused on the Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy (2016~2020)

신치환(Chihwan Shin), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정지인(Jiin Jeong), 하예나(Yaena Ha), 강병호(Byoung-Ho Kang)

A Study for Perception and Survey on the Status of Occupational Therapists on Parental Counseling and Education in Child Occupational Therapy

성지영(Ji-Young Sung), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 홍덕기(Deok-Gi Hong), 최유임(Yoo-Im Choi)

A Phenomenological Study on the Smart Home Experience of Persons With Physical Disabilities

문광태(Kwangtae Moon), 정민예(Minye Jung), 김종배(Jongbae Kim)

A Study on the Perception of Occupational Therapy Among General High School Students Nationwide: Based on the 2021 Online Survey

정세희(Se-Hui Jeong), 백소현(So-Hyun Baek), 전찬민(Chan-Min Jeon), 최정은(Jung-Eun Choi), 이지수(Ji-Su Lee), 장우혁(Woo-Hyuk Jang)

Effects of the Timing of Hand Rehabilitation on Hand Function in Patients With Hand Injury Owing to Work-Related Injuries: A Retrospective Cohort Study

노동희(Donghee Noh), 차윤준(Yunjun Cha), 조은주(Eunju Jo), 정인선(Inseon Jeong), 조한별(Hanbyeol Cho), 감경윤(Kyungyoon Kam)

Analysis of Sub-Items of Functional Capacity Evaluation in Work-Related Patients: Based on the Korean Standard Industrial Classification

노동희(Donghee Noh), 조은주(Eunju Jo), 강성구(Seonggu Kang), 정인선(Inseon Jeong), 김옥형(Okhyung Kim), 오태형(Taehyung Oh), 성준모(Joonmo Sung), 조현주(Hyunju Jo), 조남순(Namsoon Jo), 김진홍(Jinhong Kim), 이강표(Gangpyo Lee)

Effectiveness of Home Modification Occupational Therapy for People Living in the Community With Mental Illness

주유미(Yumi Ju), 이현숙(Hyun-Sook Lee), 정은화(Eun-Hwa Jeong), 김지현(Jihyun Kim)

Impact of Electronic Aid to Daily Living (EADL) on Activities of Daily Living : A Systematic Review

문광태(Kwangtae Moon), 정성우(Seongwoo Jeong), 김동완(Dongwan Kim), 이윤환(Yunhwan Lee), 양승완(Seungwan Yang), 김종배(Jongbae Kim)

Development of Occupational Therapy Intervention Terminology for Dementia

송영진(Young-Jin Song), 박은정(Eun-Jung Park), 정재엽(Jae-Yeop Chung)

Study on Self-Assessment of Occupational Therapist’s Clinical Reasoning

박명옥(Myoung-Ok Park), 배원진(Won-Jin Bae)

Systematic Review of Telehealth Services in Occupational Therapy

정은화(Eun-Hwa Jeong), 주유미(Yumi Ju)

Animal-Assisted Interventions for Improving Psychosocial Well-being and Quality of Life in Pediatric Oncology : A Systematic Review

Amy Sitabkhan, Kaela Verbeck, Pamela Ruz, Kayleigh Pierce, Amy Ngo, Claudia L. Hilton, Diane M. Collins

Analysis of Occupational Therapy-Related Keywords Using Text Mining

조은주(Eun-Ju Jo), 감경윤(Kyung-Yoon Kam)

Development and Validation of Competency Indicators for School-Based Occupational Therapists

홍민경(Min-kyung Hong), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 최강미(Kang-Mi Choi)

Investigating the Effectiveness of Intergenerational Programs in Reducing Ageism Toward Young People : A Systematic Review

Katelyn Weinman, Levi McPherson, Ali Cobey, Kaitlin McWatters, Skai Woods, Loree Pryor, Claudia Hilton

Effect of Occupational Therapy on Activity of Daily Living and Participation of Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities : Systematic Review

이호희(Ho-Hee Lee), 박나예(Na-Ye Park), 유채원(Chae-Won Ryu), 이솔지(Sol-Ji Lee,), 김희(Hee Kim)

Comparison of Meaningful Role Performance and Happiness of the Elderly

이지선(Ji-Sun Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee)

A Review of Occupational Therapy in Orthopaedics

김정헌(Junghun Kim), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung)

Frailty, Incontinence, and Falls Among People Living With HIV

Amber B. Armstead, J. Michael Wilkerson, Gretchen Gemeinhardt , Alan Nyitray, Diane M. Collins

A Systematic Review and Case Reports of InterProfessional Education

이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이범석(Bum-Suk Lee), 김시영(Si-Yeong Kim), Hideomi Watanabe

The Effects of Occupational Therapy Program Using Dual-Task on Cognitive Function and Gait for the Elderly With Mild Cognitive Impairment

이재현(Jae-Hyeon Lee), 방요순(Yo-Soon Bang), 주은솔(Eun-Sol Ju), 황민지(Min-Ji Hwang)

Deriving the Components of Lifestyle-Related Occupational Therapy Intervention Program for the Elderly : Through the Delphi Technique

신윤찬(Yun-Chan Shin), 박다솔(Da-Sol Park), 조은혜(Eun-Hye Cho), 원경아(Kyung-A Won), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 김정란(ung-Ran Kim)

Survey on the First Aid Coping Ability and Education Need According to Emergency Situations of Occupational Therapist

류선혜(Sun-Hye Ryu), 박제모(Je-Mo Park), 김희동(Hee-Dong Kim), 황도연(Do-Yeon Hwang), 손영효(Young-Hyo Son), 이명주(Myeong-Ju Lee), 배서영(Seo-Young Bae), 정화식(Hwa-Shik Jung)

Challenges and Opportunities for Occupational Therapy in Big Data Research

Ickpyo Hong, Meredith F. Shields, Riqiea Kitchens, Karen Ratcliff, Timothy A. Reistetter

Relationships Among Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Community Participation in Breast Cancer Survivors

김혜미(Hye-Mi Kim), 박경아(Gyeong-A Park), 박진주(Jin-Ju Park), 오명화(Myung-Hwa Oh)

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Occupational Therapy for Persons With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia

박창환(Chang-Hwan Park), 권규준(Kyu-Joon Kwon), 김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim)

Effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Occupation Performance Among Korean Literature : A Meta-analysis

홍승표(Seung-Pyo Hong), 유연환(Yeon-Hwan Yoo), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)

Intervention on Visiting Home Occupational Therapy: A Systematic Review

우지희(Ji-Hee Woo), 김정현(Jeong-Hyun Kim)

Analysis of Qualitative Research Published in Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy

김슬기(Seul-Gee Kim), 박경희(Kyoung-Hee Park), 박태홍(Tae-Hong Park), 임희수(Hee-Soo Lim)

A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials(RCTs) With Home Based Occupational Therapy Intervention

장완호(Wan-Ho Jang), 황수빈(Su-Bin Hwang), 문광태(Kwang-Tae Moon), 최원석(Won-Seuk Choi), 김종배(Jong-Bae Kim)

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Occupational Therapy in Center for Dementia Based on Public Data

조승현(Seung-Hyun Cho), 감경윤(Kyung-Yoon Kam), 배성윤(Sung-Yoon Bae), 조남훈(Nam-Hoon Cho), 오혜원(Hye-Won Oh), 양영애(Young-Ae Yang)

Validation of the Activity Participation Assessment for School Age Children

김세연(Se-Yun Kim), 홍덕기(Deok-Gi Hong), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee)

Development of Korean Occupational Therapy Practice Guideline for Dementia

한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 김종배(Jong-Bae Kim), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정원미(Won-Mee Jeong)

A Survey on the Awareness of Occupational Therapy of the Public in General

황도연(Do-Yeon Hwang), 박제모(Je-Mo Park), 김희동(Hee-Dong Kim), 황재현(Jae-Hyun Hwang), 신지혜(Ji-Hye Shin), 정화식(Hwa-Shik Jung)

Effect of Occupational Therapy Intervention on Mastectomy Patients’ Physical Function, Upper Extremity Function and Quality of Life

김혜미(Hye-Mi Kim), 오명화(Myung-Hwa Oh), 백지영(Ji-Young Baek), 정현애(Hyun-Ae Chung)

A Study on the Derivation and Evaluation of Core Practice Competency for Occupational Therapy

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 노종수(Chong-Su Noh), 송재철(Jae-Cheol Song)

Improvement of Occupational Therapy Services Based on Factors Related to Quality of Life of Hospitalized and Outpatient With Schizophrenia

김주희(Ju-Hee Kim), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 박기창(Ki-Chang Park)

The Education of Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice in Korea

김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 김환(Hwan Kim), 홍은경(Eun-Kyoung Hong)

A Study on Career Selection Status and Career Confidence in Occupational Therapy Students in Korea

신가인(Ga-In Shin), 우예신(Ye-Shin Woo), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim)

Study on Human Rights Susceptibility of College Students Majoring in Occupational Therapy

장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이은진(Eun-Jin Lee), 공명자(Myung-Ja Kong)

Analysing Korean Occupational Time Changing Trend Based on Ages Using 2004, 2009, 2014 Time Use Survey

김연주(Yeon-Ju Kim), 홍승표(Seung-Pyo Hong), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)

Content Validity and Clinical Utility of Executive Function Performance Test Korean Translation

이유나(Yu-Na Lee), 김희(Hee Kim), 조은미(Eun-Mi Jo), 이은영(Eun-Young Lee)

Analysis of Time Use in Healthy Elderly : A Systematic Review

강재원(Jae-Won Kang), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)

Effect of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Intellectual Disabilities : Systematic Review

우예신(Ye-Shin Woo), 신가인(Ga-In Shin), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)

Development of Evaluation Criteria of Accreditation Standards for Occupational Therapy Education in Korea

이향숙(Hyang Sook Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 송재철(Jae-Chul Song), 정병록(Byoung-Lock Jeong), 박경영(Kyoung-Young Park), 이정원(Jeong-Weon Lee), 김정기(Jeong-Ki Kim), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha)

The Research Trends of the Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy : From 2011 to 2015

유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 이미지(Mi-Ji Lee), 김소연(So-Yeon Kim), 한솔(Sol Han)

A Systematic Review of the Occupational Therapy Interventions Applied to Patients With Schizophrenia

김주희(Ju-Hee Kim), 고석범(Seok-Beom Ko), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)

A Study on Standard Terminology for Occupational Therapy Documentations Focusing on Korean-Type Medical Institutions

송영진(Young-Jin Song), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 이미영(Mi-Young Lee), 권이영(Yi-Young Kwon), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha)

Perception of Occupational Therapy Faculty Members on the National Accreditation of Occupational Therapy Education Program

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 이정원(Jeong-Weon Lee), 정병록(Byoung-Lock Jeong)

A Survey on Occupational Therapy at Specialized Child-Care Centers for the Disabled in Korea

강석구(Suk-Gu Kang), 이춘엽(Chun-Yeop Lee), 김희정(Hee-Jung Kim), 홍기훈(Ki-Hoon Hong)

A Survey on the Current State and Demand of Consultation of Parents Who have Children with Disabilities in the Area of Occupational Therapy

전미린(Mi-Rin Jeon), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee)

A Systematic Review of Interventions on Driving Performance in Older Drivers

김문영(Moon-Young Kim), 김연주(Yeon-Ju Kim), 이예진(Ye-Jin Lee), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)

Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy for Improving Participation : A Systematic Review

김연주(Yeon-Ju Kim), 김문영(Moon-Young Kim), 이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)

Effects of a Small Group Occupational Therapy Program on Adolescents at Risk of Suicide : A Preliminary Study

이종서(Jong-Seo Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 박소연(So-Yeon Park)

Practice Analysis Among Korean School Based Occupational Therapists

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 박상희(Sang-Hee Park), 김유진(You-Jin Kim), 노종수(Chong-Su Noh), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 이경민(Kyoung-Min Lee)

Development of the Korean Occupational Therapist Essential Competency

장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 박수현(Su-Hyun Park), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 심선화(Sun-Hwa Shim)

A Meta-analysis on the Effects of Occupational Therapy Program Intervention for Dementia in the Community

송병남(Byung-Nam Song), 강진호(Jin-Ho Kang), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee)

A Study on the Life History of a Person With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Focused on Before and After its Onset

장종식(Jong-Sik Jang), 송병남(Byung-Nam Song), 임재호(Jae-Ho Lim), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon)

Preliminary Research for Standardization of Clinical Terminology System for Occupational Therapy

이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee), 송영진(Young-Jin Song), 이미영(Mi-Young Lee), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 김지현(Ji-Hyun Kim), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha), 권이영(Yi-Young Kwon), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 박지은(Ji-Eun Park), 정준식(Jun-Sik Jung)

Preliminary Study of Clinical Training Standardization in Occupational Therapy

이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee), 장기연(Ki‑Yeon Chang), 우희순(Hee‑Soon Woo), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon)

Job Analysis of Occupational Therapists for 2013

이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee), 장기연(Ki‑Yeon Chang), 정민예(Min‑Ye Jung), 구인순(In‑Soon Ku), 우희순(Hee‑Soon Woo)

A Study on the Research Ethics of Occupational Therapy Researchers

박소연(So-Yeon Park), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)

Effects of Occupational Therapy Accompanied by Guided Compliance Training on Occupation Engagement in Children With Developmental Disorder

조선영(Sun-Young Cho), 정보인(Bo-In Chung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park)

The Effect of a Group Occupational Therapy on Cognitive Function and Depression for Mild Dementia Patients in a Community

신송재(Song-Jae Shin), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 김수경(Soo-Kyoung Kim), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon)

Development of Activity Participation Assessment for School-Age Children

김세연(Se-Yun Kim), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee)

Study on Occupational Therapists in Terms of Their Experience in Relationship Conflicts: Applied to Parse’s Human Becoming Research Methodology

송병남(Byoung-Nam Song), 김슬기(Seul-Gi Kim), 박지훈(Ji-Hoon Park), 장종식(Jong-Sik Jang), 전영혜(Young-Hye Jeon), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon)

The Correlation Between the Practical Examination of the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy and the Work Capability of Inexperienced Occupational Therapists

이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 백영림(Young-Rim Paik), 함보현(Bo-Hyoun Ham)

Effects of Computer-based Cognitive Training on the Cognitive Function and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Those With Schizophrenia

조덕연(Duk-Youn Cho), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 민성호(Seong-Ho Min)

Neurobiological Influence of Occupation on Neurological Disorders Through Experience-Dependent Plasticity

박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 권재성(Jae-Sung Kwon)

A Study on a Rehabilitation Service System for Children With Disabilities: A Preliminary Survey Based on Occupational Therapy

유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)

A Delphi Study on the Modification of a Practice Subject for the National Board Certification of Occupational Therapists(NBCOT)

이재신(Jea-Shin Lee), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 김수경(Soo-Kyoung Kim), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 함보현(Bo-Hyoun Ham), 백영림(Young-Rim Paik)

A Survey on the Cognitive Rehabilitation of Occupational Therapy in Korea

이희령(Hee-Ryoung Lee), 김지연(Ji-Youn Kim), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han)

Effect of Simulation-Problem Based Learning Apply to Department of Occupational Therapy Students and Study of Comparing Education Effect

채수경(Soo-Gyung Chae), 김효실(Hyo-Sil Kim), 김수진(Soo-Jin Kim), 양정화(Jeong-hwa Yang), 임진형(jin-Hyung Im)

A Research Study About Current State and Awareness Level of College Students, Majoring Occupational Therapy in Korea Ⅱ:Concentrate on Major Satisfaction Level and Career Confidence Level

이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee), 김한솔(Han-Sol Kim), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 조덕연(Duk-Youn Cho), 김진수(Jin-Su Kim), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park)

Current State and Awareness Level of Occupational Therapy Major Students in Korea I : General Status and Reasons for Major Selection

박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 조덕연(Duk-Youn Cho), 이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee), 김한솔(Han-Sol Kim), 김진수(Jin-Su Kim), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park)

The Phenomenological Study on Occupational Therapy Students’ Gosiwon Life During Fieldwork

황상희(Sang-Hui Hwang), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 최정실(Jeong-Sil Choi)

A Study on the Preference of Snoezelen Equipment of Elderly People With Dementia

김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 김진수(Jin-Soo Kim), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)

Time Use Among People With Tetraplegia Participating in Wheelchair Rugby

홍승표(Seung-Pyo Hong), 장미나(Mi-Na Jang), 서은경(Eun-Kyun Seo)

The Effects of Mirror Therapy on the Hand Function Recovery in Chronic Stroke Patients

우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 박우권(Woo-Kweon Park)

Research Literature in Korean Occupational Therapy by Using a Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy

유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 유지은(Ji-Eun Yoo)

Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention in Patients with Möbius Syndrome: A Case Report

하미영(Mi-Young Ha), 이택영(Taek-Young Lee), 임성오(Seong-Or Lim)

Development of the Korean Activity Card Sort

이상헌(Sang-Heon Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Taek-Young Lee)

Factors Affecting the Occupational Performance Capacities in Persons With Schizophrenia

김용섭(Yong-Sub Kim), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 박소연(So-Yeon Park)

Developing a Model for the Establishment of Criteria Concerning Korean Style Activities of Daily Living Training Rooms in the Field of Occupational Therapy

김원진(Won-Jin Kim), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 권혁철(Hyuk-Cheol Kwon), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim)

Survey of Job Characteristics and Practice Analysis Among Korean Occupational Therapists

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 정보인(Bo-In Chung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)

The change of awareness of decision on employment through the fieldwork for occupational therapy students

이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 노종수(Jong-Su Noh), 차정진(Jung-Jin Cha), 김소란(So-Ran Kim), 김슬기(Seul-Kee Kim), 박상글(Sang-Geul Park), 심승진(Seung-Jin Sim), 이지혜(Ji-Hye Lee), 추민숙(Min-Suk Chu)

Measurement Tools for Occupational Therapy for Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review

정혜영(Hye-Young Jung), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang)

A Study of the Status of Dysphagia Rehabilitation Conducted by Occupational Therapists in Korea

우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 차태현(Tae-Hyun Cha), 오종치(Jong-Chi Oh)

Focused effects of a Group Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy on Mild Dementia Patients in a Community - Focused Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model -

정원미(Won-Mee Jeong), 이동영(Dong-Young Lee), 유승호(Seung-Ho Ryu), 황윤정(Hwang Hwang), 추일한(Il-Han Choo), 김슬기(Seul-Ge Kim), 김기웅(Ki-Woong Kim)

The Study for Reform of the Korean Occupational Therapy National Licensing Examination

정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 유은영(Eun -Young Yoo), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 유인규(In-Gyu Yo)

A Study on the Deciding Factors of Personal Assistance Service (PAS) Hours for People With Severe Disabilities

김슬기(Seulgee Kim), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 김동성(Dong-Sung Kim)

Assessment of Quality of Life for Industrial Accident Victims Using SF-36

박소연(So-Yeon Park), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)

A Factors Related to Activities of Daily Living(ADL) Among Patients in Geriatric Hospitals

홍승표(Seung-Pyo CHong), 이지전(Jee-Jeon Yi), 이상욱(Sang-Wook Yi)

A Cost-Benefit Analysis on Home-Based Occupational Therapy for Stroke Patients

최혜숙(Hyae-Sook Choi), 강형곤(Hyung-Gon Kang), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 정우식(Woo-Sik Jung), 채유미(Yoo-M Chae), 지영건(Young-Geon Ji)

A Pilot Study to Incorporate Assistive Technology Into Occupational Therapy Curriculum in Korea

채수영(Soo-Young Chae), 이혜경(Hye-Kyoung Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)

Correlations Among the Allen Cognitive Level Screen, the Mini Mental State Examination-Korean Version and Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment in Persons with Stroke

김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim), 염희영(Hee-Young Yum), 황금선(Kum-Sun Hwang), 이희령(Hee-Ryung Lee), 백영수(Young-Soo Baek), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung)

Perception of Korean Occupational Therapists on Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy

강대혁(Dae-Hyuk 강대혁), 이주언(Joo-Eon Lee), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)

Current Trends of Occupational Therapy Assessment Tool by Korean Occupational Therapist

유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박소연(So-Yon Park), 최은희(Eun-Hee Choi)

A Correlation between the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills : A Pilot Study

강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 노종수(Chong-Su Noh), 지석연(Seok-Yeon Ji), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 박소연(So-Yon Park)

Suggestions for Training of the Future-Oriented Occupational Therapists

이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 박소연(So-Yon Park)

The Survey of Occupational Therapy Curriculum for the Standards of Education Programs in Korea

김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)

The Current Fieldwork Affiliation Status of the Occupational Therapy Education Programs in Korea

이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)

The Survey on Introducing an Accreditation System for Occupational Therapy Education Programs

김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee)

The Perception of Occupational Therapy Students on the Clinical Fieldwork

김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim), 박소연(So-Yon Park), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)

The Perspectives of Occupational Therapists on Introducing anAccreditation System of Occupational Therapy Education Programs

김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)

Accreditation Standards for the Occupational Therapy Program in Korea

이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 김장환(Jang-Hwan Kim)

The influence of Lowenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment on admition to Functional Independence Measure at discharge

박금주(Kum-Ju Park), 이현숙(Hyun-Sook Rhee), 조은희(Eun-Hee Cho), 고승현(Seung-Hyun Koh), 이강우(Kang-Woo Lee)