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A Contributors to Health Management for Persons Experiencing Homelessness: A Systematic Review
Monisola Akiwowo, Sophia Graziosi, Ali Hansford-McKinney, CeCe Madison, Nancy Yanez, Diane M. Collins, Claudia HiltonSystematic Review of Time-related Intervention in Occupational Therapy
Kwak Bo-Kyeong, Kim Eun Ji, Park Hae YeanDevelopment of Guidelines for Occupational Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury
하성규(Seong-Kyu Ha), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 홍익표(Ickpyo Hong), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)Development of Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Total Knee Replacement Patients
김정헌(Junghun Kim), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 전혜선(Hye-Seon Jeon), 홍익표(Ickpyo Hong), 홍보균(Bo-Kyoon Hong), 하성규(Seong-Kyu Ha), 황나경(Na-Kyoung Hwang), 박강현(Kang-Hyun Park), 강미화(Miwha Kang)A Systemic Review on the Role Performance Occupational Therapy of the Elderly
최준수(Jun-Su Choi), 엄윤정(Yun-Jeong Uhm), 정유경(Yoo-Kyeong Jung), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung)A Phenomenological Study on the Smart Home Experience of Persons With Physical Disabilities
문광태(Kwangtae Moon), 정민예(Minye Jung), 김종배(Jongbae Kim)Analysis of Cognitive Component Elements Affecting Participation in Stroke Patients
신치환(Chihwan Shin), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)A Literature Review of Non-Drug Intervention Programs for Depression in Dementia Patients
김정은(Jung-Eun Kim), 홍익표( Ickpyo Hong)Impact of Electronic Aid to Daily Living (EADL) on Activities of Daily Living : A Systematic Review
문광태(Kwangtae Moon), 정성우(Seongwoo Jeong), 김동완(Dongwan Kim), 이윤환(Yunhwan Lee), 양승완(Seungwan Yang), 김종배(Jongbae Kim)Systematic Review on Community-Based Occupational Therapy for People With Mental Illness
우지희(Ji-Hee Woo)Analysis of Research Trends on Intervention Fidelity in Occupational Therapy
유영미(Yung-Mee Yoo), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo)Development of Occupational Therapy Intervention Terminology for Dementia
송영진(Young-Jin Song), 박은정(Eun-Jung Park), 정재엽(Jae-Yeop Chung)A Literature Review of Occupational Therapy Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder
현재민(Jae-Min Hyun), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)Study on Self-Assessment of Occupational Therapist’s Clinical Reasoning
박명옥(Myoung-Ok Park), 배원진(Won-Jin Bae)Systematic Review of Telehealth Services in Occupational Therapy
정은화(Eun-Hwa Jeong), 주유미(Yumi Ju)Systematic Appraisal of Dementia Clinical Guidelines for Use in Occupational Therapy
한대성(Dae-Sung Han)Analysis of Occupational Therapy-Related Keywords Using Text Mining
조은주(Eun-Ju Jo), 감경윤(Kyung-Yoon Kam)Development and Validation of Competency Indicators for School-Based Occupational Therapists
홍민경(Min-kyung Hong), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 최강미(Kang-Mi Choi)Analysis and Satisfaction of Time Usage by Occupational Type for the Elderly with Disabilities
박아름(Ah-Ream Bak), 김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim)Comparison of Meaningful Role Performance and Happiness of the Elderly
이지선(Ji-Sun Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee)Frailty, Incontinence, and Falls Among People Living With HIV
Amber B. Armstead, J. Michael Wilkerson, Gretchen Gemeinhardt , Alan Nyitray, Diane M. CollinsA Systematic Review and Case Reports of InterProfessional Education
이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이범석(Bum-Suk Lee), 김시영(Si-Yeong Kim), Hideomi WatanabeChallenges and Opportunities for Occupational Therapy in Big Data Research
Ickpyo Hong, Meredith F. Shields, Riqiea Kitchens, Karen Ratcliff, Timothy A. ReistetterSystematic Review of Occupational Therapist’s Home-based Intervention for Stroke Patients
임영명(Young-Myoung Lim), 차태현(Tae-Hyun Cha)Intervention on Visiting Home Occupational Therapy: A Systematic Review
우지희(Ji-Hee Woo), 김정현(Jeong-Hyun Kim)Analysis of Qualitative Research Published in Korean Journal of Occupational Therapy
김슬기(Seul-Gee Kim), 박경희(Kyoung-Hee Park), 박태홍(Tae-Hong Park), 임희수(Hee-Soo Lim)A Status of Occupational Therapy at a Pilot Project of Rehabilitation Medical Institutions
송영진(Young-Jin Song), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo)Cost-Benefit Analysis of Occupational Therapy in Center for Dementia Based on Public Data
조승현(Seung-Hyun Cho), 감경윤(Kyung-Yoon Kam), 배성윤(Sung-Yoon Bae), 조남훈(Nam-Hoon Cho), 오혜원(Hye-Won Oh), 양영애(Young-Ae Yang)The Effect of Health-Related Factors of Stroke Patients in Local Community on Their Wellness
김형민(Hyeong-Min Kim), 김환(Hwan Kim)Validation of the Activity Participation Assessment for School Age Children
김세연(Se-Yun Kim), 홍덕기(Deok-Gi Hong), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee)Development of Korean Occupational Therapy Practice Guideline for Dementia
한대성(Dae-Sung Han), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 김종배(Jong-Bae Kim), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정원미(Won-Mee Jeong)A Survey on the Awareness of Occupational Therapy of the Public in General
황도연(Do-Yeon Hwang), 박제모(Je-Mo Park), 김희동(Hee-Dong Kim), 황재현(Jae-Hyun Hwang), 신지혜(Ji-Hye Shin), 정화식(Hwa-Shik Jung)A Study on the Derivation and Evaluation of Core Practice Competency for Occupational Therapy
이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 노종수(Chong-Su Noh), 송재철(Jae-Cheol Song)The Education of Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice in Korea
김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang), 김환(Hwan Kim), 홍은경(Eun-Kyoung Hong)A Study on Career Selection Status and Career Confidence in Occupational Therapy Students in Korea
신가인(Ga-In Shin), 우예신(Ye-Shin Woo), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim)Study on Human Rights Susceptibility of College Students Majoring in Occupational Therapy
장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이은진(Eun-Jin Lee), 공명자(Myung-Ja Kong)Content Validity and Clinical Utility of Executive Function Performance Test Korean Translation
이유나(Yu-Na Lee), 김희(Hee Kim), 조은미(Eun-Mi Jo), 이은영(Eun-Young Lee)Analysis of Time Use in Healthy Elderly : A Systematic Review
강재원(Jae-Won Kang), 박지혁(Ji-Hyuk Park), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)Effect of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Intellectual Disabilities : Systematic Review
우예신(Ye-Shin Woo), 신가인(Ga-In Shin), 박혜연(Hae Yean Park)The Research Trends of the Journal of Korean Society of Occupational Therapy : From 2011 to 2015
유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 이미지(Mi-Ji Lee), 김소연(So-Yeon Kim), 한솔(Sol Han)Review of Statistical Changes in Occupational Therapy Services : 2011 to 2015
조승현(Seung-Hyun Cho), 양영애(Young-Ae Yang)A Systematic Review of the Occupational Therapy Interventions Applied to Patients With Schizophrenia
김주희(Ju-Hee Kim), 고석범(Seok-Beom Ko), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)A Survey on Occupational Therapy at Specialized Child-Care Centers for the Disabled in Korea
강석구(Suk-Gu Kang), 이춘엽(Chun-Yeop Lee), 김희정(Hee-Jung Kim), 홍기훈(Ki-Hoon Hong)A Systematic Review of Interventions on Driving Performance in Older Drivers
김문영(Moon-Young Kim), 김연주(Yeon-Ju Kim), 이예진(Ye-Jin Lee), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy for Improving Participation : A Systematic Review
김연주(Yeon-Ju Kim), 김문영(Moon-Young Kim), 이주현(Joo-Hyun Lee), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park)Practice Analysis Among Korean School Based Occupational Therapists
이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 박상희(Sang-Hee Park), 김유진(You-Jin Kim), 노종수(Chong-Su Noh), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 이경민(Kyoung-Min Lee)Development of the Korean Occupational Therapist Essential Competency
장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 박수현(Su-Hyun Park), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 심선화(Sun-Hwa Shim)Occupational Therapy Medical Insurance Review of Issues and Improvement of the System in Korea
송영진(Young-Jin Song), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha)Occupational Therapists’ Use of Evidence-Based Practice : Phenomenological Study
신현희(Hyeon-Hui Shin), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim)Preliminary Research for Standardization of Clinical Terminology System for Occupational Therapy
이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee), 송영진(Young-Jin Song), 이미영(Mi-Young Lee), 우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 김지현(Ji-Hyun Kim), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha), 권이영(Yi-Young Kwon), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon), 박지은(Ji-Eun Park), 정준식(Jun-Sik Jung)Preliminary Study of Clinical Training Standardization in Occupational Therapy
이향숙(Hyang‑Sook Lee), 장기연(Ki‑Yeon Chang), 우희순(Hee‑Soon Woo), 윤여용(Yea-Yong Yoon)A Survey on the Activities of Daily Living Training for Occupational Therapy in Korea
이춘엽(Chun-Yeop Lee), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang)A Study on the Research Ethics of Occupational Therapy Researchers
박소연(So-Yeon Park), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)Development of Activity Participation Assessment for School-Age Children
김세연(Se-Yun Kim), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이지연(Ji-Yeon Lee)Comparative Study on Systems of Occupational Therapy in Both OECD and WFOT Member Countries
정병록(Byoung-Lock Jeong), 김지현(Ji-Hyen Kim)The Effects of Social Networks on the Activity Levels of Stroke Patients Living in a Community
김지현(Ji-Hyun Kim), 김수경(Su-Kyoung Kim)The Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Systematic Review
정남해(Nam-Hae Jung), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang)A Survey on the Cognitive Rehabilitation of Occupational Therapy in Korea
이희령(Hee-Ryoung Lee), 김지연(Ji-Youn Kim), 한대성(Dae-Sung Han)Effects of a Nonpharmacological Treatment Program for Alcohol Addiction: A Meta-Analysis
차유진(Yu-Jin Cha), 박수현(Soo-Hyon Park)The Phenomenological Study on Occupational Therapy Students’ Gosiwon Life During Fieldwork
황상희(Sang-Hui Hwang), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon), 최정실(Jeong-Sil Choi)Application of Rehabilitation Problems Solving Form for a Person With Spinal Cord Injury
방요순(Yo-Soon Bang), 김희영(Hee-Young Kim)A Study on the Preference of Snoezelen Equipment of Elderly People With Dementia
김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 김진수(Jin-Soo Kim), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)Time Use Among People With Tetraplegia Participating in Wheelchair Rugby
홍승표(Seung-Pyo Hong), 장미나(Mi-Na Jang), 서은경(Eun-Kyun Seo)The Effects of Mirror Therapy on the Hand Function Recovery in Chronic Stroke Patients
우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 박우권(Woo-Kweon Park)Current Status of Mental Health Service and the Role of Psychiatric Occupational Therapists in Korea
강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 김선옥(Sun-Ok Kim)Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Intervention in Patients with Möbius Syndrome: A Case Report
하미영(Mi-Young Ha), 이택영(Taek-Young Lee), 임성오(Seong-Or Lim)The History and Current State of Psychiatric Occupational Therapy in Japan
야마네 히로시(Yamane Hiroshi)Factors Affecting the Occupational Performance Capacities in Persons With Schizophrenia
김용섭(Yong-Sub Kim), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 박소연(So-Yeon Park)Survey of Job Characteristics and Practice Analysis Among Korean Occupational Therapists
이향숙(Hyang-Sook Lee), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 정보인(Bo-In Chung), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)An Analysis on the Status and Supply-demand of Occupational Therapists in Korea
정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 차유진(Yu-Jin Cha)The Study on the Necessity of Occupational Therapy for Social Cognition Disability
김영근(Young-Geun Kim)Measurement Tools for Occupational Therapy for Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review
정혜영(Hye-Young Jung), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 장문영(Moon-Young Chang)A Study of the Status of Dysphagia Rehabilitation Conducted by Occupational Therapists in Korea
우희순(Hee-Soon Woo), 장기연(Ki-Yeon Chang), 차태현(Tae-Hyun Cha), 오종치(Jong-Chi Oh)The Study for Reform of the Korean Occupational Therapy National Licensing Examination
정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 유은영(Eun -Young Yoo), 김정란(Jung-Ran Kim), 박혜연(Hae-Yean Park), 유인규(In-Gyu Yo)Effectiveness of Task-Oriented Approach for Children With Developmental Coordination
최유진(You-Jin Choi), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim)Assessment of Quality of Life for Industrial Accident Victims Using SF-36
박소연(So-Yeon Park), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)A Study on the Balance Ability and Obesity of Rural Elderly Persons in Nonsan
이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 전병진(Byoung-Jin Jeon)A Factors Related to Activities of Daily Living(ADL) Among Patients in Geriatric Hospitals
홍승표(Seung-Pyo CHong), 이지전(Jee-Jeon Yi), 이상욱(Sang-Wook Yi)A Cost-Benefit Analysis on Home-Based Occupational Therapy for Stroke Patients
최혜숙(Hyae-Sook Choi), 강형곤(Hyung-Gon Kang), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 정우식(Woo-Sik Jung), 채유미(Yoo-M Chae), 지영건(Young-Geon Ji)A Pilot Study to Incorporate Assistive Technology Into Occupational Therapy Curriculum in Korea
채수영(Soo-Young Chae), 이혜경(Hye-Kyoung Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)Perception of Korean Occupational Therapists on Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy
강대혁(Dae-Hyuk 강대혁), 이주언(Joo-Eon Lee), 김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim)Current Trends of Occupational Therapy Assessment Tool by Korean Occupational Therapist
유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 정민예(Min-Ye Jung), 박소연(So-Yon Park), 최은희(Eun-Hee Choi)Need on Home-Based Occupational Therapy of Family Caregivers with CVA Patients
최혜숙(Hyae Sook Choi)The Risk Factors and Occupational Therapy for Prevention of Falling in the Elderly
김수경(Soo-Kyung Kim)Need on Home-Based Occupational Therapy for Persons With Stroke
최혜숙(Hyae-Sook Choi)Suggestions for Training of the Future-Oriented Occupational Therapists
이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 박소연(So-Yon Park)The Survey of Occupational Therapy Curriculum for the Standards of Education Programs in Korea
김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)The Current Fieldwork Affiliation Status of the Occupational Therapy Education Programs in Korea
이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)The Survey on the Perception of Occupational Therapy Faculty on the Clinical Fieldwork
김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)The Survey on Introducing an Accreditation System for Occupational Therapy Education Programs
김경미(Kyeong-Mi Kim), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang), 이미자(Mi-Ja Lee), 이재신(Jae-Shin Lee), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 이경식(Kyoung-Sik Lee)The Perception of Occupational Therapy Students on the Clinical Fieldwork
김진경(Jin-Kyung Kim), 박소연(So-Yon Park), 이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)The Problems of Health Insurance Fee Schedule for OccupationalTherapy Service in Korea
김수일(Su-Il Kim), 이미영(Mi-Young Lee)Accreditation Standards for the Occupational Therapy Program in Korea
이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 김장환(Jang-Hwan Kim)The Alternatives for the Current National Occupational TherapyLicensing Examination
이택영(Teak-Young Lee), 강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)he Use of Occupational Therapy Assessment Tool by KoreanOccupational Therapist
박소연(So-Yon Park), 유은영(Eun-Young Yoo)he Influence of the Model of Human Occupation on Occupational Therapy
강대혁(Dae-Hyuk Kang)